It is a pleasure to welcome you to the William Ruthven Primary School website. Please explore the information on this site as a brief introduction to our school.At William Ruthven Primary School, we place our students at the centre of all that we do. We maintain an unwavering focus on learning and teaching, and we recognise the positive impact that high quality learning can have on living a happy, healthy and productive life. We also value the importance of student wellbeing. We provide opportunities for students to develop their social and emotional learning, and to help them become confident and caring individuals.
We are committed to the development of whole-school effective teaching and learning practices to best support the students in our care. Our staff undertake ongoing, evidence-based professional learning. Just as our students learn, so too do our staff. Staff work and plan collaboratively in teams. They are continually improving their teaching and learning techniques through quality professional learning, peer coaching and mentoring programs.
Visitors to our school are always impressed with the calm and orderly environment in which our students learn. Across the school, we have established routines and consistency in learner and teacher protocols that ensure we have an environment where all students can reach their potential.
Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. Please consider visiting us in person so that you can experience, firsthand, the feeling of daily life at our school. Please contact the office on 9460 1668 to organise an individual tour.
Donald EddingtonPrincipal