Help for non-English speakers
If you need help to understand this information, please contact Donald Eddington, Principal. Non-English speakers can also access Google translate at the bottom of this web page.
As valuable partners in your child's wellbeing, learning and engagement at William Ruthven Primary School, we welcome your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our policies, practices and procedures, please contact the Principal, Donald Eddington via email,
Contacting our staff
All staff photographs and email addresses are located on our website:
Thank you for choosing William Ruthven Primary School for your child’s education.
We are looking forward to establishing a strong relationship with you. We see education as a joint partnership between the home and the school. Parent and carer involvement is welcome and encouraged at our school. By working together, we can give your child the best opportunity to flourish. Throughout your time with us, we welcome and encourage you to ask about your child's progress, and we can provide suggestions about how you can help your child's learning at home.
Our school provides a strong focus on building students’ literacy and numeracy skills, and we have a culture of high expectations. Our vision is to develop literate, numerate and curious learners who are empowered and ready for each stage of their learning.
We seek to instil personal and collective responsibility via our school values of Respect, Inclusion, Curiosity and Excellence: Doing your best.
In addition to classroom-based English, mathematics, inquiry and wellbeing lessons, our special programs are Auslan, visual arts, music, physical education, science/robotics, and problem solving.
Assemblies are held in our library space on Fridays at 8:55 am. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Assessment and reporting
Our targeted teaching uses assessment data and ensures that students are being taught at their point of need. We have a centralised ‘student tracker’ for classroom teachers to record and track student reading and mathematics performance over time. Student reading is assessed one-on-one with each student every term, and at the beginning and end of number-based units of work in mathematics.
Student reports detail progress and achievements in June and December, along with the next steps for educational development. Our reports aim to provide consistent and clear information to parents about their child’s progress and achievement against the state-wide standards.
Attendance and reporting absences
Unless your child is sick, it is a legal requirement that they attend school each day.
School begins at 8:50 am and finishes at 3:00 pm. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time. If they are late (or need to leave early), please come to the office. Your child will receive a late pass if they are late. Absences can be logged on Compass or by telephone: 9460 1668.
For more information about attendance, please refer to our Attendance Policy.
Behaviour management
Our school has a zero tolerance for bullying, physical and verbal aggression. Our school’s behaviour management charts are visible in all classrooms and around the school. We have a consistent whole-school approach, with a focus on the students’ rights:
Staff ensure that 'low' level incidents are dealt with and followed up with a phone call home. Our parents/carers and students have confidence that our classrooms and school yard are safe and happy places. This has been achieved through our collective work with our families.
Bell times
A Just Breakfast service runs daily from 8:40 am until 8:50 am. Breakfast is free. All students are welcome. Students can access the Just Breakfast service via the staffroom.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is used towards expenses relating to school activities. Forms can be accessed via: Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF). Forms can be submitted from the beginning of term 1 until the end of term 2.
The canteen operates every day for lunch orders. Food cannot be purchased over the counter at recess or lunch times. A canteen menu is published each year on our website:
Canteen orders should be clearly written on a paper bag or envelope with:
Child Safe
The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing.
We have reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements the standards. Please see our website:
We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact our Principal, Donald Eddington via
Child Safe training for volunteersThe "Child Safety training for volunteers" is to ensure volunteers at our school are familiar with our policies and procedures relating to child safety and understand the important role they play in maintaining and promoting the safety of our students.
Volunteering at our school includes classroom helpers, parents/carers attending excursions, camps and Friday Clubs (such as the Gardening Club) and selling goods at the Mothers' and Fathers' Day stalls.
Volunteers must read the suite of policies and procedures in the links below, and complete the annual training session, before commencing work where children are likely to be present.
Community behaviour and expectations
The Department’ Respectful Behaviours within the School Community policy describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a positive inclusive learning environment for students, staff, parents, carers and other adult members of the school community.
William Ruthven Primary School uses Compass. You can:
Please see our office staff if you require assistance logging into Compass our need your password re-set.
We welcome feedback, both positive and negative, and we are committed to continuous improvement. We value open communication with our families and are committed to understanding complaints and addressing them appropriately. We recognise that the complaints process provides an important opportunity for reflection and learning. For more information, please see our Complaints Policy.
Composite classes and grade compositions
Composite classes
Research shows there is no discernible difference between composite and 'straight' year group classes in terms of academic performance because, in a sense, every class is a composite class. At every school, in every class, there are students with different learning needs, rates of learning, interests and strengths at different points in terms of their progress and achievement depending on what they are learning.
In today’s classrooms, teachers differentiate the curriculum in the key areas of literacy and numeracy so that the learning is ‘pitched at just the right level’ – regardless of the class structure. Collaboratively, our teachers plan tasks to be open-ended to enable students to perform at their level and to be extended.
Grade compositions
Towards the end of each year, classroom teachers spend a significant amount of time when placing students in their grade for the following year. In addition to considering parent/carer wellbeing requests and students’ friendship requests, our teachers work hard to ensure that each grade is balanced in terms of social, emotional and behavioural needs, gender, equity, as well as having grades with academic balance.
Cyber safety
To learn about ways to keep your child cyber safe at home, please see the resources on our website:
Our website has quick guides regarding the use of popular social media sites. Find out how to protect your child's privacy and report cyberbullying.
Digital Learning Statements
William Ruthven Primary School uses a variety of online services and applications to support and enhance our students’ educational experiences and to create a high quality learning environment. We use online services for:
Our staff are aware of how to use the services/applications appropriately and how to help you and/or your child use them safely. We have assessed the value and security of the following software with guidance from the Department:
You do not need to do anything for you and/or your child to have continued access to these online services. However, if you have any questions or concerns or you do not want you and/or your child to have access, please contact the school to discuss your options via telephone on 9460 1668 or by email.
Extreme weather
Please be assured, that the staff look after students on days of extreme heat and on cold/rainy days. There is no need to keep your child home or pick them up early from school on hot or cold/rainy days. Our classrooms have split system heating and cooling. On days of extreme weather, the students are kept inside, in comfort, at recess and/or lunchtime where they engage in a range of indoor activities.
Our Homework Policy outlines the Department’s and the school’s policy requirements relating to homework. In addition to nightly reading (Prep - Year 6) and practising basic number facts (Years 1 - 6), there are optional, independent homework tasks that parents/carers can assign and supervise. For example:
Notable Australians represent various curriculum areas: health and physical education, mathematics and science, the humanities and environment, English and the arts. Our four Houses are:
Cathy Freeman was a sprinter. She was a gold medallist at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.
Fred Hollows was a surgeon who became known for his work in restoring the eyesight of thousands of people.
Steve Irwin was a conservationist and environmentalist. He was also a wildlife expert.
Margaret Wild is an Australian author. She has written more than 40 books for children.
All students are allocated to a House. These are a vehicle for students to participate in multi-age events.
First aid
A visit to our first aid room will result in you being notified via Compass. For more serious incidents, including head knocks, you will receive a phone from the school.
Infectious diseases
Regular attendance at school is most important, but some diseases like the whooping cough, polio, mumps, measles, rubella (German measles), meningococcal and other infectious diseases require your child to be kept at home and excluded from school for some time. If your child is suspected of having an infectious disease, please notify the school.
An exclusion from school for infectious disease list is available via:
Students can borrow two books at a time. Lost and damaged books will incur a replacement fee. You can view our library collection via:
Lost property
Lost property will be stored in a tub in the main learning building. Please label all school clothing and supplies (e.g., drink bottles) so it can be returned to your child.
Medical expenses
Parents/carers are responsible for any medical expenses (including ambulance costs) incurred if their child is injured or requires medical treatment or an ambulance while at school, or participating in a school activity. Parents/carers may not be called if an ambulance is required, until after an ambulance is called, depending on the situation. Parents/carers are encouraged to have up-to-date ambulance cover and medical insurance. Please see our Insurance Policy.
Medicines (brought to school)
If a student requires medication while at school, a Medication Authority Form is required:
All medication brought to school by a student needs to be clearly labelled with:
For more information, please see our Administration of Medication Policy.
Students with asthma Please refer to our Asthma Policy.
Students with anaphylaxis
Please refer to our Anaphylaxis Policy.
Mobile phones and smart watches
In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones — Student Use Policy, mobile phones must not be used during school hours. Mobile phones (and smart watches) are brought to school at the owner’s risk. As per our local policy, students are required to hand their mobile phone and/or smart watch in at the office before school and collect them after school. Please refer to our Mobile Phone And Other Personal Mobile Device Policy.
Money brought to school
All money brought to school by students must be placed in an envelope with the following details:
Morning tea and lunch
Students also have additional eating time outside at recess and lunch. The place for eating outside is under the shade sails. Cheese toasties can be provided to students without lunch. Fruit is also available for students without play lunch. Parents/carers will be contacted before cheese toasties is provided.
Healthy lunch ideas can be accessed via the Healthy Eating Advisory Service.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Our before and after school hours care program is run by Leapkids. The program is lots of fun and it includes both structured and unstructured activities. The program is run from Room 12. If you require care for your child, please contact Leapkids on 1300 366 235 or
Parking is available in Merrilands Road, Henderson Street and neighbouring streets. Please take note of the parking signs and abide by the local traffic laws. We ask that you do not park over driveways. The staff car park is for staff only.
Personal property
The Department of Education does not have insurance for personal property of students, staff and visitors brought to school. The school does not take responsibility for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged at school/during school activities. We encourage students, staff and visitors not to bring items of value to school, or to obtain appropriate insurance for items. Please see our Personal Property Policy.
Photographing, filming and recording students
William Ruthven Primary School’s Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy adheres to changes in Victorian privacy laws. The policy requires schools to gain once-off consent, dating from the beginning of 2025. The consent form describes:
The consent form requires consent for the school to collect photos, video or recordings of your child during their time at the school, and using these photos, video or recordings in each of the following ways:
Please contact the school if you want to change your consent preferences at any stage (i.e., your consent for school staff photographing, filming and/or recording your child).
Prep - Year 6 buddy program
Our Prep - Year 6 buddy program helps to make the transition to primary school a positive experience for our Preps. Preps will meet their buddy at the start of term 1. Having a Year 6 buddy helps our Preps to settle in to school life, as well as be a familiar face in the playground. Our families report that our buddy program supports a smooth transition, promotes social connections and a sense of belonging.
Privacy collection statement
William Ruthven Primary School’s Privacy Collection Statement outlines how the school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions, or as permitted by law, as stated in the Department’s Schools’ Privacy Policy.
School Council
School Council is the school’s governing body made up of parents/carers, teachers and members of the school community. The School Council:
The school’s policies can be accessed on our website:
School values
Our school values are Respect, Inclusion, Curiosity and Excellence: Doing your best.
Respect (Wellbeing value)
I will:
Inclusion (Wellbeing value)
Curiosity (Learning value)
Excellence: Doing your best (Learning value)
Special events
Families are encouraged to attend our school and community events. School events include our celebration and awards night, a colour run, book parade, footy colours day and open day, plus lots more.
Specialist programs
Our specialist programs are: Auslan, music, physical education, problem solving, science/robotics and visual arts.
Student-free days
In 2025, students are not required to attend schools on these days:
William Ruthven Primary has a compulsory school uniform. School uniforms promote a sense of belonging, pride, and equality along with enhancing the profile and identity of our school in the community. We ask that you ensure your child is sent to school in full uniform each day. If your child attends without the correct uniform, please provide a note.
Uniforms, including school hats, can be purchased from PSW (our school uniform supplier):
We also have a limited range of new uniforms (from our previous uniform supplier). This stock is sold at half price. Please contact the office on 9460 1668 to make a purchase via credit card or come to the office:
Secondhand uniforms: We accept secondhand uniforms that can be passed on to other families at no cost. We are ask that donated uniforms are in good condition and have been washed prior to donation.
State Schools’ Relief: If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for financial support for the purchasing of school uniforms. Please contact the office for more information.
Sun Smart: Our Sun Protection Policy requires that all students wear their school hat from 15 August until 30 April. Caps do not provide adequate sun protection so please make sure your child has a school hat. For more SunSmart information, visit: SunSmart family notices and information sheets.
Voluntary financial contributions
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum. Your financial contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. The Parent Payments Letter and Policy is published on our website:
All extracurricular items and activities (such as excursions, in-school activities, camps and school photographs) are on a user-pays basis.
Yard duty (Supervision of students)
Our school’s Statement of Supervision Arrangements (Before and After school) details our student supervision arrangements:
If a student is not collected by 3:15 pm they will be brought into the office, you will be contacted where enrolment in the Outside School Hours Care service will be explained so the service can be access in the future. A copy of our Yard Duty and Supervision Policy is available on request.
Zooper Doopers
Sugar-free Zooper Doopers (icy poles) are on sale each Tuesday and Thursday in terms 1 and 4 for $1.00. We gratefully accept donations of sugar-free Zooper Doopers as part of school fundraising.