At William Ruthven Primary School, mathematics involve a range of written and mental tasks that develop students’ number sense and knowledge across all areas of the mathematics curriculum. Students work through independent and collaborative learning experiences to find connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes. Student engagement is enhanced through the use of digital technologies, real-life problem solving, open-ended tasks, games and hands-on learning.
Teachers use effective formative and summative assessments to plan and implement engaging and targeted learning experience for all students. Teachers differentiate learning tasks, and provide explicit whole-class and small-group teaching.
The focus of mathematics sessions at William Ruthven Primary School is to develop and extend students’ mathematical skills through rich and authentic learning tasks. We foster positive attitudes towards mathematics, providing opportunities for students to experience success and to embrace challenges. We focus on developing students’ ability to use mathematical processes and to apply them to real-life contexts.
Mathematics extension
A weekly mathematics extension program is run for students in Years 3 - 6. The focus for this program is on reasoning and problem solving. Students are supported to explain their thinking, deduce and justify strategies used and conclusions reached, as well as transfer learning from one context to another.
Australian Mathematics CompetitionsStudents in Years 3 - 6 also have the opportunity to participate in nationwide events such as the Australian Mathematics Competition.