Student assessments
Our targeted teaching uses assessment data and ensures that students are being taught at their point of need. We have a centralised ‘student tracker’ for classroom teachers to record and track student reading and mathematics performance over time. Student reading is assessed one-on-one with each student every term, and at the beginning and end of number-based units of work in mathematics.
Student learning goals
At the end of each term, reading, writing and mathematics goals for each student will be sent home. These learning goals are developed in collaboration with students. They will include suggestions for how parents/carers can assist at home with the achievement of the learning goals.
Student reports
William Ruthven Primary School provides reports that detail students’ achievements and progress in June and December, along with the next steps for educational development. The report aims to provide consistent and clear information to parents about their child’s achievement against state-wide standards.
Parent-teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews are held after parents/carers have received their child's end of semester report. Parents and carers can have an interview in person, via WebEx or by telephone. Parents and carers also make a time to meet with their child's classroom teacher throughout the school year.