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As valuable partners in your child's wellbeing, learning and engagement at William Ruthven Primary School, we welcome and encourage your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our policies and practices, please contact the Principal, Donald Eddington via email,
To outline to our school community the Department’s and William Ruthven Primary School’s policy requirements relating to homework.
This policy applies to students in all year levels and staff responsible for setting and monitoring homework at William Ruthven Primary School.
William Ruthven Primary School has developed this Homework Policy in consultation with the School Council to support student learning and wellbeing by:
Homework is tasks assigned to students by teachers that are meant to be carried out during non-school hours.
Home reading refers to reading practice and underpins all homework based activities. Students are given levelled reading material appropriate to their reading stage until they reach at least Fountas and Pinnell Level U. Once Fountas and Pinnell Level U has been reached, students are deemed independent readers, however these students are still required to completed regular home reading. The focus for daily reading practice is to develop sight vocabulary; build reading fluency, practise comprehension strategies for enhancing meaning; develop oral presentation skills and entrench a skill that will inform much of a child’s learning. Regular reading, for all students, will assist the development and consolidation of the skills involved in reading.
At William Ruthven Primary School all homework set by teachers will be:
The types of homework that teachers at William Ruthven Primary School will include are:
Prep to Year 4
Year 5 to Year 6
Optional, independent homework tasks for parents/carers to assign and supervise
Types of optional, independent homework tasks that parents/carers may wish to assign and supervise may include having their child:
Shared expectations and responsibilities
Homework is a shared responsibility between the school, teachers, students and their parents/carers. In order to get the most out of homework tasks, it is important that everyone understands their obligations and responsibilities.
Responsibilities and expectations for leaders at William Ruthven Primary School are to:
Responsibilities and expectations for teachers at William Ruthven Primary School are to:
Responsibilities and expectations for students are:
Responsibilities and expectations for parents/carers are:
Support for students and parents/carers
William Ruthven Primary School understands that students have different learning strengths, preferences and interests and may approach learning activities and homework differently. If parents/carers are concerned their child may not understand the homework tasks that have been set or is spending a long period of time completing their homework, we encourage parents/carers to speak to their child’s teacher.
This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:
Related policies and resources
The Department’s Policy Advisory Library: