
Our Homework Policy outlines the Department’s and the school’s policy requirements relating to homework.


In addition to nightly reading (Prep - Year 6) and practising basic number facts (Years 1 - 6), there are optional, independent homework tasks that parents/carers can assign and supervise. For example:

  • Completing alternatives to book reports such as ideas from the National Council of Teachers of English
  • Engaging in consolidation and extension exercises for mathematics such as tasks from nRich
  • Undertaking science investigation exercises such as investigations from Milwaukee with kids
  • Making or design an artwork such as art projects from the Teach beside me
  • Practising and playing musical instruments
  • Joining a local sports club and practising sports skills
  • Researching topics associated with set class work and completing a project
  • Applying new skills to home context such as:
    - planning and cooking food, including following a recipe
    - helping to plan a day trip or holiday, including timings, directions and costs
    - growing plants.