We use the Department of Education and Training's Find My School website to determine whether William Ruthven Primary School is your closest government school. We also adhere to the Department's Placement policy which outlines the obligations on Victorian government schools in relation to the placement of students. Please also see information about determing you permanent residence.
Enrolling at your designated neighbourhood school
Eligible children and young persons have the right to be admitted to their designated neighbourhood government school, regardless of capacity. A student’s designated neighbourhood school is generally the school that is nearest the student’s permanent address as determined by the school zone. The Find My School website provides guidance on which school zone a student’s permanent residence is located within. For information on determining a student’s permanent address, please refer to the Department's Enrolment documentation and other requirements section of these Guidelines.
Enrolling at a school that is not your designated neighbourhood school
Students are able to apply for a place at a school that is not their designated neighbourhood school. All students who seek enrolment in a school outside of their designated neighbourhood school may be enrolled, if there is sufficient capacity at the school to accommodate all students who apply. The Principal has the authority to defer admission in order to seek information from the previous school in the interest of both the student and the school community.
Enrolment documents