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As valuable partners in your child's wellbeing, learning and engagement at William Ruthven Primary School, we welcome and encourage your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our policies and practices, please contact the Principal, Donald Eddington via email,
To explain to parents/carers, students and staff the processes William Ruthven Primary School will follow to safely manage the provision of medication to students while at school or school activities, including camps and excursions.
This policy applies to the administration of medication to all students. It does not apply to:
If a student requires medication, William Ruthven Primary School encourages parents to arrange for the medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, William Ruthven Primary School understands that students may need to take medication at school or school activities. To support students to do so safely, William Ruthven Primary School will follow the procedures set out in this policy.
Authority to administer
If a student needs to take medication while at school or at a school activity:
Parents/carers can contact the school nurse/first aid officer for a Medication Authority Form.
Administering medication
Any medication brought to school by a student needs to be clearly labelled with:
Parents/carers need to ensure that the medication a student has at school is within its expiry date. If school staff become aware that the medication a student has at school has expired, they will promptly contact the student’s parents/carers who will need to arrange for medication within the expiry date to be provided.
If a student needs to take medication at school or a school activity, the Principal (or their nominee) will ensure that:
In some cases it may be appropriate for students to self-administer their medication. The Principal may consult with parents/carers and consider advice from the student’s medical/health practitioner to determine whether to allow a student to self-administer their medication.
If the Principal decides to allow a student to self-administer their medication, the Principal may require written acknowledgement from the student’s medical/health practitioner, or the student’s parents/carers that the student will self-administer their medication.
Storing medication
The Principal (or their nominee) will put in place arrangements so that medication is stored:
For most students, William Ruthven Primary School will store student medication in the first aid room.
The Principal may decide, in consultation with parents/carers and/or on the advice of a student’s treating medical/health practitioner:
William Ruthven Primary School will not:
Medication error
If a student takes medication incorrectly, staff will endeavour to:
If required, follow first aid procedures outlined in the student’s Student Health Support Plan or other medical management plan.
Ring the Poisons Information Line, 13 11 26 and give details of the incident and the student.
Act immediately upon their advice, such as calling Triple Zero “000” if advised to do so.
Contact the student’s parents/carers or emergency contact person to notify them of the medication error and action taken.
Review medication management procedures at the school in light of the incident.
In the case of an emergency, school staff may call Triple Zero “000” for an ambulance at any time.
This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways
Further information and resources
The Department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL):
The school’s local policies and documents: